Get in touch


R. Dr. Brasílio Vicente de Castro, 111 – 6th floor
Campo Comprido, Curitiba – PR, 81200-526

São Paulo

R. Prof. Tamandaré Toledo, 69 Torre C – 7th floor, CJ 701
Itaim Bibi, São Paulo – SP, 04532-081


Frequently Asked Questions

What types of renewable energy projects does Illian develop?

We develop solar and wind energy projects, focusing on high-efficiency and sustainable solutions, meeting market demands with innovative technologies.

What are long-term PPAs?

PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) are long-term energy purchase contracts with companies or governments, guaranteeing financial stability and security of energy supply.

Where are Illian projects located?

We develop projects in several regions of Brazil, strategically selected to maximize renewable energy generation and local development.

What is the financial structure for implementing the project?

Long-term contracts (PPAs) will be used as a guarantee for financing with financial institutions. The majority of the necessary equity will be contributed directly by Illian, ensuring the economic viability of the project.

What are the conditions for classification as a self-producer by equivalence?

For the consumer to be classified as a self-producer by equivalence, the consumer unit served in this modality must have a minimum contracted demand of 3,000 kW with the distributor. Illian carries out a personalized analysis for each client, identifying the best alternative for service as a self-producer through matching or in a consortium format.

Does the consumer need to create an energy structure to participate in a self-production project?

It is not necessary to create a specific structure. Illian provides all the technical and financial expertise necessary for the structuring, construction and operation of the generation park. The consumer is only responsible for allocating the energy generated to their consumer units in the form of self-production, without the need to participate in the operational management of the generation asset on a day-to-day basis.